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Information about Solar Energy and Mounting Options

If you've been considering solar energy for your home, you've probably realized the plethora of solar technology available to you. All of the options can be very overwhelming. Continue reading to find out a little bit about what's out there.


Most solar panels are made from a material called crystalline silicon solar cells. When most people think of solar energy it is this material that they think of. They are the flat, shiny squares that you see on the roofs of homes and businesses. While these work great, there are still other options.


Thin film is another type of material that is used in solar technology. Its popularity is growing  yearly. This type of material is great choice for buildings that are not architecturally fit for crystalline panels. 


Another option for those interested in solar energy is solar thermal systems.  Instead it takes the sunlight and uses it to heat water. This is a good for people who want a solar energy option for heating water. Solar thermal systems are usually enough for an entire house and will need to be used along with other solar energy  methods. And there are other solar energy solutions such as strategically placed mirrors as well.


After looking at all the options for solar energy, you need to consider the different types of mounting systems. Roof mounts are most common and there are some reasons for that. People like them because they don't take up space that people are using. Added references on this are explained at In addition, roof mounts place the solar energy system closer to the source of energy which is a good thing.


Ground mounts are also an option. They are perfect for people who have huge yards. If you have some dead soil/earth you can put it to use with a ground system because some solar energy can be gotten from the soil.


After choosing whether or not you want a ground mount or a roof mount, you have to consider whether a fixed solution or a system composed of Solar trackers will be best for you. Fixed solutions are mounted in one place and never move while trackers are capable of following the sun. For most homeowners, however, fixed solutions are enough. Trackers are best used in places where sunlight is not as plentiful.


There are so many solutions for solar energy but I couldn't possibly list them all here. But if you've been thinking about this, stop waiting and do it. You be helping your wallet and the planet by switching to solar energy. Should you need data with regards to Solar panel brackets, you can find some when you go to the given link.

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